Again as letras musicais, ou apenas a vontade estar noutro sítio

I speak with her everyday, everynight
She's far away, completely out of sight
Imagination can't smell, taste or see.
Even that i climb the tallest tree.
I don't know her yet
I don't know if i ever will
You're far away, completely out of sight
Am i blinded by the light?

Something tells me my feelings are true
Will you come to me?
I know you do
Will i wait for you?
Let's wait and see.

Everyday and everynight, i wonder...
Who is she?

Qualquer dia componho algo sem ser tipo Jay Jay Johanson desgostos e mulheres, e escrevo tipo Cake sobre mulheres e carros. Se ao menos gostasse de carros...
Have a nice weekend

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